Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Rotten Apple: A Shadowrun Sandbox

Back in 2020, I made a New York City sandbox for Shadowrun. The content itself was assembled by taking some of Wrathofzombie's NYC hack, mashing it against The Rotten Apple sourcebook, and adding/changing some things along the way to fill some of the blanks. I think it ended up pretty cohesive, if system/edition agnostic.




The sandbox itself is an interactive PDF map, complete with clickable icons leading to the city's Points of Interest. 

I never did end up running the campaign this was intended for, but hey, this project was a lot of fun! 


Now, while we're on the subject of Shadowrun, I'd like to recommend some alternative systems that (at least in my opinion) do more justice to the setting. Personally, I'm very fond of World of Shadows and the Shadow-Hack, both by Sentient Games, but there are various PbtA hacks for Shadowrun, such as Shadowrun in the Sprawl, and my personal favourite, Sixth World, by Chris Clouser and Tanner Yea.

If anyone ends up using this sandbox for a campaign, I'd love to hear how it goes!